Located at the Historic Woodmen Hall at 4102 Fisherman Bay Road
PO Box 91 - woodmenhall2022@gmail.com - 360.468.3092
Lopez Island Senior Center

A non-profit 501(c)(3) organization incorporated August 2022 Federal Tax ID number EIN 88-2487638
For San Juan County Senior Services, phone (360) 468-2421

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Accuracy not implied
Endorsement not implied
Donations are a crucial part of our organization!
Your generosity, and that of many others, enables us to provide the people of Lopez Island and it's visitors with the many functions we facilitate.
We encourage you to donate what you are able. Every donation is used for the betterment of our wonderful Island community.
You may wish to donate on-line via our PayPal's donation program. Credit cards, debit cards and
PayPal are all accepted.
On-line Donation under construction. Please use Donate button
If you wish to donate by check:
Lopez Island Senior Center
PO. Box 91, Lopez Island, WA 98261
Lopez Island Senior Center is
a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization incorporated August 2022.
Federal Tax ID number EIN 88-2487638
Lend a hand!
You can become an integral part of this great group and help your fellow Lopezians Live a better life!
That's right! Lopez Island Senior Center is a volunteer organization, and proud of it!
We have volunteer opportunities for
Board Members and Commitee Participants
Lopez Island Senior Center is
a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization incorporated August 2022.
Federal Tax ID number EIN 88-2487638
Woodmen Hall Rentals
Rental section is under construction
Rent your event!
Event Coordinator: woodmenhall2022@gmail.com 360.468.3092
Please leave a message and we will respond promptly!
Woodmen Hall, built in the early 1900s offers a historical and rustic setting that is perfect for your wedding, private events, concerts, public speakers and family celebrations.
Consider using our commercial kitchen, sound and light systems to enhance your Lopez Island experience.
Plenty of parking.
There is plenty of space for all your event's needs:
330 No chairs
236 Theater Style
110 Dinner style
83 Classroom
Unlimited outside!
Rental Rates:
Hall and stage
Commercial Kitchen
Sound and Light System
Our Main Hall with facing Stage

Price range and/or short description
With room for up to 330 people, its stage with sound and lighting system, and commercial kitchen also for rent, the main hall is ideal for any event.
There is plenty of parking and wheelchair access.
With its hardwood floors, available sound and lighting system, the hall is perfect for dancing, concerts, plays, weddings, birthdays, you name it.
330 No chairs
236 Theater Style
110 Dinner style
83 Classroom
Commercial Kitchen

Price range and/or short description
Our spacious commercial kitchen is fully equipped with commercial grade gas range, washing up facilities, prep areas and implements.
Sound and Light System

Price range and/or short description
Enhance your dance with our sound and lighting system.
Create an ambiance for any event.
Your play or speech will make a big impact set upon our full lighting and sound system equipped stage facing the main hall.
Hall with stage rent separately.

Other Resources
This section is under construction. Please refer back to us.
About Us
Lopez Island Senior Center is a volunteer organization.
Lopez Island Senior Center is
a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization incorporated August 2022.
Federal Tax ID number EIN 88-2487638

History of Woodmen Hall

Almost 100 years ago, November 14, 1898 to be exact, Lopez Camp #5857 was founded as a local chapter of Modern Woodmen of America (MWA). Modern Woodmen of America was founded January 5, 1883, as a fraternal life insurance society that would “clear away financial problems and bring much good to members and their widows and orphans.” Seeing an analogy between the society and the land-clearing work of pioneer woodmen, the founder chose the name modern Woodmen, adding “of America” as a patriotic touch. (Ref. 1)
Modern Woodmen was organized into camps, local lodges to which all members belonged. By 1890 membership had grown to 50,000 nationally, with more than 12,000 camps. These camps often became the social centers of their communities fulfilling members’ needs for fellowship. The ritualism of Modern Woodmen meetings, as with other fraternal organizations of the era, was immensely popular. (Ref. 1) Ceremonial axes were used as props, for example. (Ref. 2)
Members paid monthly dues into a mortality fund, and payments from that fund were made to the families of members who died. The payment of monthly dues was discontinued in 1929 in favor of scheduled premium rates keyed to the age and health of each member.
The San Juan Islander newspaper reported on August 30, 1900, page 3: “Lopez Camp No. 5857, M.W.A. has decided to build its hall at the head of Fisherman Bay, Mr. Orcutt having one-half acre for the hall site. The lumber is now being rapidly cut at the Groll mill.” [Groll Mill was located on the Fisherman Bay shoreline just below Dick & Jean Plummer’s small white house with bright blue gable ends just south of the Galley. The M.W.A. Hall is currently the Lopez Legion Hall.] J.C. Warner was deputy head council with 11 charter members. Many dances, entertainments and even church services were held in the M.W.A. Hall. (Ref. 1)
During the Great Depression, many members could no longer pay dues into the “mortality fund”. (Ref. 2) The Lopez Camp dissolved October 19, 1944, with 6 members. The Hall was owned by the Lopez Commercial Club for the next few years. (Ref. 1) The Lopez Commercial Club was a booster club that was later disbanded.
Since World War II, American Legion Hoey-Kjargaard Post No. 185 owned, administered and maintained the old Lopez Island Modern Woodmen of America Hall for its own meetings and for various community uses. It was named after two island men, Alan Hoey and Harold Kjargaard, who were killed in action. Post 185 was the local chapter of the national, non-profit veteran’s organization that provided assistance to needy members and their dependents and promoted social benevolent or patriotic enterprises approved by the American Legion. It was shared by the Legion and the Legion Auxiliary. (Ref. 3)
A shed wing, housing a stage and restrooms was added to the west side of the hall in the 1920s. A one-story addition or annex, housing a modern kitchen and dining space, was constructed at the north side of the hall in 1975. (Ref. 3) The hall was one of the largest public meeting places on Lopez Island at the time.
In 2000 and with the assistance of the Lopez Island Historical Society, Post No.185 was awarded a Preservation Services Fund grant from the National Trust for Historic Preservation. The grant funding was directed towards the preparation of the “Master Plan & Preservation Feasibility Study”. That study was intended “to provide preservation, rehabilitation and restoration guidance for future work on the building.” The Lopez branch of the nonprofit, Senior Services Council of San Juan County, Inc. purchased Woodmen Hall and the property it now occupies for $1.00 in 2003. (Ref. 3)
The present building is a two-story with a gable roof. The original building measured 32’ x 60’. A one-story west wing addition with a shed roof measured 20’ x 60’. A one-story kitchen on the north side measured approximately 20’ x 40‘. The interior consists of a main meeting room with a stage, backstage area, restrooms with a kitchen and dining hall. The upper floor is accessed by a stairway at the south end of the building. (Ref. 3)
An independent non-profit, Friends of Woodmen Hall raises funds to help maintain and upgrade the building. As of 2019, they have been remodeling the second story to create permanent historical displays to tell the story of the building.
1 The Lopez Island Historical Society & Museum
Fall Newsletter 1997
2 John Goekler
Islands’ Weekly 09/07/1994
3 Modern Woodmen of America/American Legion Hall “Master Plan & Preservation Feasibility Study” prepared or the
Hoey-Kjargaard Post No. 185. October 2001
Additional sources:
Malcom MacCleod of Lopez Island, historian of Hoey-Kjargaard American Legion Post 185, July 17, 1980.
Michael Faulhaber, manager of Camp Activities Department, Modern Woodmen of America National Headquarters, Rock Island, Illinois, July 21, 1980.
Our Board Members
Board members are all-volunteer, Meeting the 1st Wednesday of each month from 10am-noon.
We can always use more Board members and Committee participation.
Please contact us for more information: woodmenhall2022@gmail.com 360.468.3092
For San Juan County Senior Services, phone (360) 468-2421
